Berryessa 95131 1 Bedroom with shared bathroom in 4/3 SFH. Available 3/1/2022
- 120 square feet
- Shared bathroom with another female housemate
- Large common area: kitchen, 2 living rooms, washer/dryer
- $800/month (all utilities included) 6 month lease
-Convenient location, close to Safeway, Costco, Hmart. Highway 680/880/101. 10 mins away from SJSU.
-Female preferred.
環境幽雅, 採光良好. 交通方便, 近 SJSU, SCU, Costco, Safeway, Hmart 680/880/101.
- 適合單身學生 、正職女性
- $800/ 月(水、電、瓦斯、Comcast 網路、垃圾...全包)
- 1個月押金 6個月租約
-3/1/2022 可入住
- 和一位女生共用浴室
- 室內洗衣機和烘乾機
- 可以烹飪,無寵物,無藥物,無朋友過夜,不吸煙,不喝酒。
私訊聯絡 or email sjrental2210@hotmail.com