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      湾区大厂招聘SDE Contractor 表现优秀者有机会
      2022-01-22 15:33:22发布 310次浏览
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    • 区域:旧金山湾区
      • 微信号:mtg_cz
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        • 寸显传媒华侨在线华人资讯网提醒您:让你提前汇款,或者价格明显低于市价,均有骗子嫌疑,不要轻易相信。
    • 信息详情
    湾区大厂招聘SDE Contractor


    Job Responsibilities:
    - Modify existing databases and database management systems.
    - Write and code logical and physical database descriptions and specify identifiers of database to management system or direct others in coding descriptions.
    - Work as part of a project team to coordinate database development and determine project scope and limitations.
    - Review project requests describing database user needs to estimate time and cost required to accomplish projects.

    - Verbal and written communication skills, problem-solving skills, customer service and interpersonal skills.
    - Basic ability to work independently and manage one's time
    - Basic knowledge of the full software development lifecycle: from business/systems analysis, through requirements gathering and functional
    specification authoring, to development, testing and delivery.
    - Basic ability to troubleshoot issues and make system changes as needed to resolve issues.
    - Basic knowledge of computer hardware and software
    - Knowledge of computer development software as it relates to systems, such as SQL, VisualBasic, etc.

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