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      中车集团在Springfield MA诚聘仓库主管,需supply chain工作背景SAP经验
      2023-05-30 22:29:49发布 309次浏览
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    • 职位:Warehouse Supervisor
    • 公司名称:CRRC MA
    • 工作年限:3
    • 区域:波士顿
    • 地址:655 Page Blvd
      • 联系人:Yan
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
        • 寸显传媒华侨在线华人资讯网提醒您:让你提前汇款,或者价格明显低于市价,均有骗子嫌疑,不要轻易相信。
    • 信息详情
    薪资65k-75k,有PTO, 401K, Insurance。中英文流利。

    简历请发邮箱 hr@uscma.net 

    CRRC MA is seeking a highly skilled and motivated Warehouse Supervisor to supervise the day-to-day 3PL operation. This is an exciting opportunity to join an energetic and driven team. 

    Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

    Supervise 3PL operation in all warehouse locations to ensure inventory accuracy to the target level company sets for the year

    Follow and improve the performance of 3PL

    Control and validate the invoices related to the activity of the 3PL

    Establish and implement the process with 3PL for a smoother workflow to avoid unnecessary costs

    Monitor 3PL work schedule completion and production material delivery status.

    Master CRRC MA SAP WM, guide, and train 3PL

    Communicate with the Procurement department and other departments on part shortage resupply status

    Setup and supervised cycle count program with 3PL. 

    Identify and eliminate root causes of defects in order to drive efficiency in CRRC MA's warehouse operations.

    Establish individual goals aligned with the Company's business strategies and objective function as a key contributing member of the department's team and other teams, as assigned.

    Perform other duties as assigned by the Logistics Manager to support the department workflow. 

    Maintain confidentiality of information as ropriate.


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