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      $3895 - San Jose 95132- 好学区独栋房子出租 (走路到3个顶级学校)
      2022-12-02 11:35:33发布 225次浏览
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    • 区域:旧金山湾区
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        • 寸显传媒华侨在线华人资讯网提醒您:让你提前汇款,或者价格明显低于市价,均有骗子嫌疑,不要轻易相信。
    • 信息详情
    3198 Vesuvius Lane, San Jose, CA 95132
    3 Beds/ 2Baths 1252 sqft -  $3895 per month

    好学区独栋房子出租  (走路到3个顶级学校)
    Ruskin Elementary School ( Test Scores 9/10)0.4 mile away
    Sierramont Middle School( Test Scores 9/10) 0.5 mile away
    Piedmont Hills High School( Test Scores 10/10)0.2 mile away
    -一年新室内/室外 油漆
    -一年新热水器,暖气,冷气 (舒适的住家环境)
    -一年新超长 Pavor driveway (可以停放额外4部车或RV) + 2 车位室内车库
    - 开放式厨房(中岛with sitting area) with 双开门(French Patio door)通到后院
    -Sunny living room shines with a splendid fireplace
    - 双层保暖窗户 and Crown moldings throughout the bedrooms
    - 洗衣/烘干机在车库(Front load Washer and dryer)

    - The extra-large backyard offers patio, lawn, flowers and Avocado tree, ready to entertain in this summer.
    - 安静的小区可以远看山景
    Available Date: 1/1/2023, no pet, security deposit $3895, need the credit check,
    PS: 不包家具, 家具only for reference.
    Please Text Realtor Sophia Chien (408)666-2230 DRE#01872245

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