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      ¥1050 Cupertino Downtown单间即日可租
      2022-09-27 11:48:41发布 322次浏览
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    • 区域:旧金山湾区
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        • 寸显传媒华侨在线华人资讯网提醒您:让你提前汇款,或者价格明显低于市价,均有骗子嫌疑,不要轻易相信。
    • 信息详情
    Single bedroom located at the Cupertino Downtown, discount is available with long-term tenants! Prefer students and commuters.
    It is:
    Located close to the bus station
    A duplex with big backyard which is available to invite friends over and BBQ
    CHEAPER compared to other options at the same location Neighborhood is safe and quiet. (right across the street from Cupertino High School and next to a church) ....
    1. Not a friendly place for a very orderly person!!!
    2. Light cooking only. But you will be provided a portable stove
    3. You will be living with the landlord (and another tenant, who is a quiet 21 yo quiet college student)


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